We started off Easter Sunday by giving the girls their Easter baskets. Caroline woke up before Catherine and could not wait to see what was in her basket.

I think Caroline was more excited to help Catherine go through her Easter basket!

After that we got ready to go to church, and I took a few pictures of the girls before we left. Catherine is wearing Caroline's first Easter dress.

We had a wonderful morning at church celebrating our risen Savior. After church, we went to Winnie and Granddaddy's house for Easter lunch.
Catherine and Uncle Hal

Taylor and Catherine

After lunch, we went outside to take some family pictures.

I love this picture of me and my girls!

I love this one, too!

Uncle Hal, Aunt Toni, Ben, and Melissa

Winnie and Caroline on a scavenger Easter egg hunt!

Later that afternoon we went to Puppy and Granddaddy's house for Easter dinner. We ate more delicious food, hunted more eggs, and had a great time visiting with family!
Aunt Bessie and Olivia

Fun on the monkey swing

The girls with Gomme and Dandy

It was such a special day spent celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus and our living hope found in Him.
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into our inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade."
I Peter 1:3-4