The day after Christmas, Tripp and I drove to Mississippi to see our girl and have Christmas with our family. On Monday morning, we celebrated Christmas with Tripp's family. Winnie made a delicious breakfast and then we opened presents!
Caroline helped Daddy and Uncle Tyler with the eggs!
Caroline and Winnie opening presents. Winnie seems really shocked that Caroline got moon dough!
Caroline loved her ironing board and iron from Uncle Tyler and (soon-to-be Aunt) Taylor!
Me and my girl
Uncle Tyler and Caroline opening her big present from Winnie and Granddaddy
I love the purse my in-laws got me for Christmas! Haha! It was a gift that they got playing Dirty Santa with their neighbors and they decided to regift it to me!
After Daddy and Uncle Tyler got Caroline's wagon assembled, everyone went outside to watch her take her first ride! She loves her wagon!
Winnie gave Caroline a cupcake making set so after the wagon ride Caroline wanted to make cupcakes. She had to sample a little bit of the batter!
Caroline with the finished cupcakes!
That evening we celebrated with Uncle Hal, Aunt Toni, Ben, and Melissa. Caroline loves playing with her cousin Melissa! She is always so sweet to give Caroline so much attention and Caroline just eats it up!
Caroline with Melissa and Ben
Enjoying Christmas dinner
One last picture of the happy couple and their new baby! Tyler proposed to Taylor on Christmas morning and she said yes! Taylor wanted a puppy for Christmas so Tyler got her this golden retriever/lab mix named Amos. His dog collar said "Will you marry me?" Such a sweet way to propose! We are so excited about having Aunt Taylor in our family!
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