Caroline took swim lessons this summer for the first time. She took a 2 week course at Maley Swim School and it was a wonderful experience. Tripp and I did not know what to expect, but Caroline loved it and now she can swim without floaties! Her teacher said she was a little fish! Puppy and Granddaddy and Winnie and Granddaddy came on her last day to see what she had learned. She was so excited to have her grandparents there and she put on a great show!

Caroline was in the seahorse group.

Caroline and her classmates (I was taking pictures through glass so they did not turn out very clear)

Caroline loved her teacher, Ms. Carolyn. She was so sweet to the kids. She is helping Caroline learn to swim on her back in this picture.

Caroline loved this swing in front of Maley's. She had to bring a baby to swim lessons everyday so she could swing with it after her lesson!
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