Caroline was so excited about Halloween this year. She had been talking about trick-or-treating in our neighborhood for over a month! And she knew exactly who she wanted to be for Halloween!

Sunday night before Halloween we went to the fun fest at our church. Winnie and Granddaddy kept Catherine so I could go. Caroline had a great time playing games and winning candy!

I packed tennis shoes for Caroline to wear when we got to the church, but she refused to put them on until the very end of the night. She walked around for an hour and a half in her Ariel high heels! Like mother, like daughter! It's all about the look! Ha! Finally she agreed to wear her shoes.

Caroline wore her costume again to school on Monday for the fall party. There were several princesses in her class, including one other Ariel.

Halloween night Catherine and I stayed home and gave out candy while Daddy took Caroline trick-or-treating with some friends across the street.
Ariel and her little pumpkin!

I have to mention that Caroline's favorite part of her costume was the red hair that I got from the dollar store. She loved it and kept telling me that people thought her red hair was so pretty!

Catherine wasn't sure what all of the excitement was about!

Strawberry shortcake and Ariel (Caroline Grace and Caroline Reese). This is Caroline's new friend who lives right across the street! They had a fun night trick-or-treating together.