My sister Lesley and I had a fun time going through our pregnancies together. We were due 5 days apart both having girls! Lesley is my best friend, and I have always loved having a sister. It has only gotten better as we have gotten older. I was so excited when Tripp and I found out we were having another girl because that meant Caroline got a sister! There is just something so special about the relationship between sisters. Lesley and I are 3 1/2 years apart just like Caroline and Catherine. I know growing up they will have so much fun together. It is so neat to see that sisterly bond already starting to form between Caroline and Catherine.
Lesley and I at the beach in August. We had to take a picture in our matching outfits! We did not go out in public matching though! (Maternity clothes are hard to find in Jackson, so we ended up with some of the same clothes!)
Caroline loves Catherine and wants to do everything for her. She likes Catherine to wake her up in the mornings and after her nap time! And she loves to hold Catherine all the time. She has been such a sweet big sister and a big help to me!
I love this picture of Caroline holding Catherine and Olivia. Caroline is just as smitten with her cousin! I know these girls will all be like sisters growing up!