We have been traveling a lot this summer and have been gone most weekends, so it was so nice to have a weekend at home. On Friday night, we hung out just the 3 of us and Tripp grilled out for dinner. Saturday morning Tripp played golf with Jason, and Caroline and I met Charlotte and Jennifer at the pool. We had a great lunch together and then swimming! Saturday night Tripp and I had a night out with Jennifer and Jason. We went to eat at Phucket and to see "Knight and Day". The movie was so cute, a great date movie! We really enjoyed our night out with friends. Then after church today we went to the pool with our neighbors Stacey, Mark, and William. It was a wonderful weekend at home!

Caroline working on an art project Saturday morning!

Caroline and Daddy before church on Sunday. Apparently something interesting was going on behind me!

Caroline and William taking a break from swimming!