Caroline's 2nd birthday party was Sunday afternoon. She had a fun time celebrating with family and friends. The theme of her party was Abby Cadabby (from Sesame Street). I loved Caroline's cake. It was pink, purple, and turquoise to match Abby Cadabby!

Me and Caroline with Aunt Bessie
The first gift Caroline got on her birthday was a tricycle from Winnie and Granddaddy. As soon as she saw it, she jumped down out of my arms and jumped on the tricycle! She loved it!

Caroline and Kate
When I was planning the party, I thought it would be so cute to have Abby Cadabby headbands for the girls to wear. My mom, sister, aunt, and mother-in-law made them and they turned out so cute! Charlotte loved her headband and kept it on for most of the party. Caroline left hers on just long enough to snap a few pictures!

Caroline with Winnie and Puppy
The girls made magic wands, and William made a monkey during the party (I did not want him to have to make a pink and purple wand!).

Singing "Happy Birthday to You"!

Caroline loved the golf clubs her Daddy gave her!

Tooting her tricycle horn from Uncle Tyler and Taylor!

Caroline loved the vanity that Aunt Bessie and Uncle Jeremy gave her!

The kids at the party: William, Caroline, Charlotte, and Kate

Caroline and William

Caroline on her "cycle" with Winnie and Granddaddy

Caroline with Aunt Dodo, Uncle B.G., and Puppy

Caroline showing Gomme and Dandy her new baby carrier!

Daddy's future golfer!
As you can see from all the pictures, Caroline had a wonderful 2nd birthday. She is blessed with such wonderful family and friends! Thank you for making her birthday so special!