I am still catching up on my blog posts from December. It snowed here the first weekend in December, and Caroline had fun playing in it for a few minutes. She even ate a few bites of the snow! I am hoping for a white Christmas!
I think this picture about sums it up. This picture is so special to me. My parents gave it to me when I was home for Thanksgiving. This print belonged to my grandparents, Gommie and Granddaddy (my Dad's parents). They taught little kids Sunday School at our church for as long as I can remember. When our church moved locations, my Mom saved some prints from their room. Gommie and Granddaddy both loved the Lord so much and are in heaven with Him. They served the Lord faithfully for years. They are both such an inspiration to me. Everytime I look at this picture, I think about them and why we celebrate Christmas. And I think about this verse ...
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14
I love Christmas trees, especially real ones. And every year I am on the search for the perfect Dixon Family Christmas Tree! The first few years that Tripp and I were married, we went to a Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree and Tripp would cut it down. But for the past 2 years, we have driven a few blocks to a Christmas tree lot to pick out our already cut down tree (this is much easier with a baby girl around!). Tripp and I usually get in an argument at the Christmas tree lot about the size of the tree. Naturally, I prefer a large full tree about 12 feet tall. However, Tripp always reminds me that our ceiling is 10 feet tall! But I usually get my way so when we get home and the tree won't fit in our house, Tripp cuts part of the bottom and top off and then it looks pretty terrible! But this year Tripp picked out the perfect tree that was 9.5 feet tall and fits great in our home.
Here is how the tree turned out after it was decorated. I love it!
I also decorated our mantle and table for Christmas.
On Monday night, we took Caroline to Santa's Village with our friends Jennifer, Jason, and Charlotte. Caroline had such a fun time roaming around Santa's Village. She even wrote a letter to Santa (with a little help from me)! At the end of the night Caroline got her second opportunity with Santa. It went much like the first (see below) with her not wanting to be anywhere near him!
Puppy came into town this weekend to hang out with Caroline and me while Tripp worked. We had such a fun girls weekend! On Sunday after church we took Caroline to meet Santa at the country club. She was not a big fan of him! But if you ask Caroline if she sat in Santa's lap, she will say she did!
Caroline in her Christmas dress before church
Puppy and Caroline eating lunch together
This was as close as Caro would get to Santa! Maybe next year I will not have to be in the Santa pictures!