This weekend we were in Oxford for the Ole Miss-Alabama game. We went with our friends, the Elwells and the Grays. We rented a house in Oxford for the weekend and had such a fun time! On Friday, we got ready for the game on Saturday. Jennifer and I set up our tent in the Grove Friday afternoon and made our tailgating food on Friday night. (You may be wondering why Jennifer and I set up the tent and not Jason and Tripp. Well, Jenn and I drove by the Grove on Friday afternoon to see if any tents were set up and the Grove was already packed. So we just pulled the car over, grabbed the tent, and set it up! I was excited that Jenn got the full "Groving" experience!!!) Puppy and Granddaddy Smith and Winnie and Granddaddy Dixon drove up to grove with us and kept Caroline and Charlotte during the game. Here are some pictures at our tent before the game.

Our tailgating spread

Our family in the Grove. I loved Caroline's game-day outfit!

With our best friends, Jennifer and Jason

The guys pose for a picture while discussing the game.

Caroline and Charlotte with their grandparents
Of course, the game did not go as planned for us Ole Miss fans. But despite the loss, we had a wonderful weekend with friends and family. It was so great to have Caroline and Charlotte in the Grove! I think we have started a tradition for Ole Miss-Alabama games in Oxford that will continue for many years to come!